“On Holiday” in the U.K. with Nikki

This Memorial Day Weekend, Nikki traveled to the U.K. The trip was filled with friends, art, good food, shopping, and relaxation. Ride along for the highlights!

For the first time, Nikki decided to take an international day flight instead of an overnight one, and it was a game-changer. The advantage of landing in the evening and having a comfortable hotel room ready for a good night’s sleep was a refreshing start for the first day of touring!

Nikki Kule style in London KULE
Nikki touring London wearing KULE cotton Tatum sweater over new striped Quinn shirt and new oxford pants (coming in July!)
Nikki Kule style The Row jelly shoes
She walked many miles in these πŸ™‚ (these are really good too!)
Tatum Sweater

Tatum Sweater

Quinn Shirt

Quinn Shirt

Nelson Blazer

Nelson Blazer

Oxford Pants (coming soon!)

Oxford Pants (coming soon!)

The Row Jelly Shoes

The Row Jelly Shoes

On the first day in London, Nikki saw friend and artist Tanya Ling‘s show at the Ronchini Gallery. Afterward, Tanya Invited Nikki to the Chelsea Arts Club. Seeing the authentic, quirky people of the London Art Scene was fun. Nikki also had the privilege of visiting Tayna at her gallery and saw some current paintings in the works πŸ‘€

Tanya Ling and Nikki Kule at studio with painting of Nikki
Tanya and Nikki with a portrait of Nikki Tanya painted for her
Tanya Ling's KULE tote at her studio
Tanya’s well-loved KULE tote! Which she actually uses daily.

On the art theme, Nikki visited Gideon Rubin’s studio in South Hampstead the following day.

Gideon Rubin paint brushes at his studio
The tools with which to make the magic 🎨
Gideon Rubin and Nikki Kule
Nikki and Gideon twinning

Ironically, he is incredibly talented and enjoys painting hair (he’s bald).

Nikki also visited some of her favorite shops in London, such as egg, Mouki Mou, Alex Eagle, and Anya Hindmarch, where she got a little bespoke toiletry kit. She also stopped by our friends at Sabah House on Chiltern Street.

Mouki Mou store in London
Gorgeous garments hanging at Mouki Mou
Sabah House store in London
Sabah House on Chiltern Street πŸ‘‹

As for restaurants, The Wolseley is always a favorite, as is J Sheekey and, of course, Indian food. Nikki went to a newer one called Trishna near Chiltern Firehouse and highly recommends it. You know the food and drinks are good when you forget to take photos πŸ€ͺ

Nikki and her husband then took a few days in the countryside in the Cotswolds at the Soho Farmhouse. It was a very chill few days of eating, drinking, riding bikes, and even a milk truck! The shop there is also cute, with a bunch of small brands.

Soho Farmhouse
The tranquil scene at Soho Farmhouse
Tumeric latte at Soho Farmhouse
Tumeric Latte delight πŸ˜‹πŸ΅
Riding a milk truck! That’s a first! Wearing the City Pants, which are her favorite pants for travel (even overnight travel!)

A perfect long weekend of fun, friends, and relaxation to kick off the summer β˜€οΈ

Nikki at Soho Farmhouse
A little too cold in the Cotswolds for a bath, but anything for the shot! Wearing our Quinn shirt.

Cheerio! Until next time πŸ™‚